Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jan. 27, 2009-- Something on my mind to rant about...


Read this article in order to understand where I am coming from.

Anyway, on to what I want to say...

You know, I find it very discouraging to read news like this. Not so much the news that bothers me, it is what has been said....from, well, Pelosi.

Just to be honest, I think it is wise to use birth control. I honestly think some people should, because, in my opinion, them having babies just to live on welfare is not a reason for having children...I know not ALL people are this way, I am talking about the few who are...just thought I'd throw that in. Now, I DO have a problem with Abortion, and the fact that it is considered "birth control". It is not controling getting pregnant when one is ALREADY pregnant...that being said, I find it very difficult to understand how people can be so heartless when it comes to the unborn child. Me being pregnant, it has not been easy for me. I have cried, worried, felt scared and alone, not really felt ready to be pregnant, but never ONCE did I consider abortion an option. After all, this child was conceived out of love, and even if she hadn't been, is it fair to take her life just because I'm not ready for her? I think what struck a nerve in me with this article is that there are women out there like me who feel the way I do, just not ready to be a parent. What they need is NOT someone who tells them abortion is a way out, or the pressure of that, but what they really need is reassurance and love and most of all appreciation for what they are doing, growing a human being inside themselves. I find that when I am down, and someone just "randomly" (although I do believe it is really a God intervention at times like these) tells me how excited they are for me and how beautiful I look and how wonderful it is that I am pregnant, it makes me feel stronger, like I have a purpose, and so does my child growing in me. I think if more women were given positive reinforcement for growing that little one inside them, so many more lives would be happier, healthier, and stronger. I think what these women really need is someone to say, "I love you, and I am willing and able to help you through this, no matter how hard it may seem, no matter how hard the road ahead looks. You can do this, and there IS a purpose and a reason you were chosen to birth this beautiful human being growing inside you at this moment". That is what we pregnant ladies really need to hear...and I think, if this were the case, the economy might just be more blessed and stronger than it ever was before...

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