Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Visiting cousins. Feb. 21, 2008

Totally looks like a Williams here.

Showing me something with his fingers.

Sidney playing with Number 1.

Here we go!

Doesn't look thrilled as all.

Getting the two of them together.

Playing around...

So I thought I would post a few pics of Sidney and my cousin's children. They are so cute and I really think the baby looks like Charlie Brown, don't you???

Baby Shower Pics! Feb. 22, 2009

Week 36 (37)! Look at the bowling ball I am carrying! At least, it FEELS that way right now.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Feb. 24, 2008

Well, today is Week 36 (ish) for me! Getting much closer! And 1 month today is considered Baby Williams' due I guess it is a countdown from here!

I have been busy, busy, busy running around like a chicken with its head cut off, but I enjoy it! This weekend was a great one! Saturday we had a visit at the hospital we are birthing at and we both are glad we did it! The rooms are great and the staff seem very much supportive of natural birthing (for as much as hospital staff can, I suppose!). Then on Sunday I had my baby shower! I had such a great time. It was wonderful to see all who came. We are so blessed by all our family and friends! We got sooooo many gifts and really appreciate it all. It really helps us out. I will get around to posting pics here soon and pics of the belly as well. She's really growing! My dad asked what if this baby ended up being a boy? I just said I hope he would be really secure about himself because he would have to wear all things frilly and pretty! Let's hope the ultrasound and my instinct are right, though. I think they are ;).

Today I have a midwife appt. and then our birthing class. Hopefully all goes well as usual! I guess that's about all to report as of right now! Again, I will post pics of the shower soon!

Au revoir!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Feb. 19, 2009

So, I have had this sudden burst of energy since yesterday. There are too many things running in my head about what I need to do before this baby, finishing my sewing, finishing the baby's room, packing my hospital much to do! Maybe it's just my excitement of going home this weekend? I don't know for sure! I guess only time will tell.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Feb. 18, 2009

Week 35! I am growing, growing, GROWING! And so goes my confidence in feeling beautiful today... maybe it will come back?

Anyway, I am hoping I won't grow too much bigger. Sometimes I don't feel big at all and then other times I think I might explode.

Had a midwife appt. yesterday. Everything went well, glad we are in the last weeks, though.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Feb. 16, 2009

Happy Presidents' Day!

I can hardly believe Feb. is already half over...I think this is the fastest February of my entire life, but I love it! I am looking forward to St. Patty's Day, which will be here before we know it, 1 month from tomorrow! Also cannot believe that Baby W could be here in a month, give or take a few, how time has gone by! Sidney and I are very much looking forward to it, though.

This week will be a full one! Sidney and I are going to pick out the base board for Baby W's room tonight so Sidney can finish the room up. Tomorrow we have my next prenatal appt. with our midwife and then we meet with our doula before our birthing class! And then sometime this week I will be going into the city to watch Sidney skate on his lunch break (He ice skates on his lunch break and he loves it...he is so proud of himself, I think, and he keeps asking me to come watch him ;)) and then I finally get to meet up with a college friend who I haven't seen in over a year! I'm so excited!! And then we get to top off the week with a full weekend this coming weekend. We finally get to visit the hospital we are birthing Baby W and then we get to visit home and family and have my baby shower! I am really looking forward to it!

This weekend was a pretty good one for the most part. Sidney bought be roses and potted tulips for V-Day as well as a lovely card and the movie Fireproof. Saturday we went out to eat twice (nice to not have to do dishes all day!!!) and we went to the Bass Pro Shop (hey, we find it enjoyable). Sunday we went to church and then Sidney spent most of the day outside working on stuff around the house while I worked on my sewing. I am currently making a baby sun hat. My machine is proving to test my patience, but I will get it done eventually! The best part of this weekend??? Sidney gave his life to the Lord Sat. morning. I am so completely happy and excited about this, of course. I know now he needs prayer more now than ever, but this is such a huge blessing to me and I thank God so much for it! I think Baby W agrees...she's kicking and moving like crazy right now! hehe :).

Well, I think that's it for now. Looking forward to a great week and weekend and I will write later!

Au revoir!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Feb. 13, 2009's Friday the 13th! Bawahahahah!!! I just had to say that...

Anyway, I am glad it's Friday and tomorrow is Valentine's Day for everyone buying into the Hallmark holiday. And yes, I will admit, I do like to do something nice on V-Day, but I know it's cheesy...and not a real holiday, despite what others might think.

Not much on the home front. I recently got out my aunt's old sewing machine and cleaned it up and threaded and started sewing again. It feels WONDERFUL to be doing something familiar again. I have been making baby blankets and I plan on making a baby sunhat or two. Of course, this means that I have been going to JoAnn's more lately...poor Sidney hates to shop with me there, particularly because he just can't understand why I love fabric and thread so much...oh well, I will never understand how he can get so excited over glowplugs for the car, either. So, I guess that makes us even.

We are getting more excited as the birth of Baby W is drawing nearer. I'm guessing we have about a month or so left until she comes. We have decided that we are going to have a Doula with us, which makes me feel at ease. I think it will just help the process go much smoother. The woman who will be there with us is actually our Bradley birthing teacher as well, so it's nice that we have gotten to know her these past few weeks and we both feel very comfortable with her.

I have been feeling pretty good myself. Although, I am kind of waddling around, particularly at night when I am tired and have been on my feet all day. My lower back just started becoming uncomfortable yesterday, so I am thinking of going to a pre-natal chiropractor to have my back realigned. I'm not sure whether or not the baby has turned posterior (sunny side up, meaning her skull is touching my spine...ouch)and that's why my back is hurting, but I'm thinking a visit to the good old chiropractor won't do me any harm. Oh, I am having all these weird and bizarre dreams lately, although I have always remembered my dreams and many of them are weird, the ones I have had lately are just plain off the wall, and I can't even explain why! It's certainly been interesting. And speaking of dreaming and sleeping, I keep getting up more and more in the night and I am tired of it! I think the baby must be lowering herself because the little girls' room and myself are becoming more aquainted as time keeps pushing on!

And since we are on the topic of baby (what else at the moment, right?), Sidney and I are trying to decide what vaccines, if any, we will be giving to Baby W. I have been reading up on many, and it just seems like some of them are nonsense! The side affect seems worse than what the vaccine is actually for. And what's worse, I don't understand why some are being administered if the possibility of a baby getting a certain disease is more than likely not going to happen. I just don't know and I think it is all too confusing. What happened to the days of just having kids, growing them up, and being done with it? Not having to worry about all this extra crap that keeps getting thrown into it...oyvey!

In other news, I am excited to be going home next weekend. We are going to go check out the hospital we will be birthing at and then heading home for a short visit. That's always exciting. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. And speaking of weather, we have about 5 weeks and counting until spring officially begins! I am more than excited about this...I am so ready for the warmer weather, not hot, but the 60s and lower 70s are perfect. I'm ready for the trees and flowers and grass to start growing again, and for longer light hours at night, and being able to open the windows to let the breeze come in...I want it so bad I can almost smell spring now! Not to mention Resurrection Sunday will be here soon and ST. Patty's Day before that...oh man, I'm excited!

Well, I suppose that's all for the moment. Have a great weekend and spend a little time with the one you love...

Au revoir!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Feb. 11, 2009

So, here are pictures of me at 34 (35) weeks! I will write more later this week...That's all!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Feb. 5, 2009

New belly pics! Week 33 and 1 day...although, I really feel that I may actually be at least a week further along, so about 34 weeks. I guess we'll find out when the time comes, huh?! I can't believe how much I have grown, even in just these past 10 weeks or so! And not just the belly either! Hehe, my face even looks a little swollen, but that's normal, I know. I guess I have been pretty fortunate, though. I can't really complain...I haven't had much to deal with as in terms of having major physical problems. Let's pray it continues that way these last few weeks! Hope you enjoy the pics!

Oh, and update on the baby room. It's almost finished, carpet wise! Sidney finished measuring and cutting yesterday and possibly as early as tonight he will be able to tape it down! I'll post pics of that...

Well, Au revoir for now!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Feb. 3, 2009

Hello All! Thought I'd write a little today! First off, I just want to say I cannot believe it is Feb. already! I am soooo happy about this, as it means Spring is that much closer! Although, I know the Groundhog saw his shadow a couple of days ago, so that means 6 more weeks of winter, but I have every confidence that it will go quickly! In our area, this weekend is supposed to be in the 40s and 50s...a much needed change from the freezing and below freezing temps!

In other news, and more interesting to read, I'm sure, Sidney is getting closer to getting the Baby's room finished! As you can see from the pics above, the walls are painted and Sidney is in the process of laying the carpeting. The pics of the black flooring is what was underneath the old carpeting. We got a great deal on the new carpet and since it has attached padding, Sidney is able to install it himself. I think he enjoys the project! I wish I would remember to take before pics so you could see the transition! If I can find the ones that were posted when the house was on the market, I will post them here. Sidney is also working on the half bath as well. He kept feeling cold air coming from there, so he decided to look into that. He ended up taking most of the wallpaper off and started doing some mudding.

Today I am at 33 weeks gestation. That's 33 out of 40 now. We are getting closer! I will post a new belly pic in the next couple of days. Oh, and we had an appt. with our midwife last week and everything is going beautifully so far! I just keep praying that everything continues to go well up until labor and birthing...and even then! Sidney and I are considering hiring a Doula to help with our birth. A Doula is a woman who helps with birthing and postnatal transition of mom and baby. The word doula is an ancient greek word and translates to "walking with woman". Of course, Sidney is going to be my birthing and labor coach and my mom will be there with us during the process, but having a doula could help us in terms of sticking with our birthing plan and it is proven that having a doula decreases having unnecessary interventions such as many medications that have not even been FDA approved for induction and Sections. We are still thinking about it, but we need to be making a choice soon seeing as how we only have a few short weeks left.

As for the baby, she is growing and moving a lot lately! She likes putting her little bum up against the right side of my belly and sticking her foot/feet into my right rib mostly. It's not painful, just can be uncomfortable and I have to move around to try and get her to shift. I'm excited to meet her!

I had a friend who has a 2 month old come and visit Sunday and yesterday. He is such a sweet baby and I think it made Sidney and I both very excited for the birth of our baby. Sidney was little disappointed they left a little early due to possible weather. I think he wanted to hold the baby more...I think he secretly loved it. I don't think he has ever really held a newborn for as long as he did Sunday, so he was a little unsure of how to react, but he did beautifully! I am proud to be able to make him a new papa very soon! I hope we have a sweet little baby!

Well, I am going to close for today...need to get ready for our birthing class tonight. Hope you enjoyed reading and look back in the next day or so for that new belly pic!

Au revoir for today!